A good answer might be:

Expression ValueExpression Value
25 == 25 true 25 != 25 false
25 <= 25 true 25 > 25 false
25 >= 25 true 25 = 25 illegal
-5 < 7 true -305 <= 97 true

Using Boolean Expressions

In an if statement, the true or false of a boolean expression picks whether the true branch or the false branch of code is executed. To practice putting together programs with two-way decisions, let us look at another story problem.

A clothing store wants a program that calculates the tax on an item. Clothing that costs $100 or more has a 5% tax. Clothing that costs less than $100 is tax free. Write a program that asks for the price, then calculates the tax and prints it out, and prints out the total cost of the item.

For simplicity the price will be an integer. All print statements will be placed after the if statement.

Here is a skeleton of the program:

class TaxProgram
  public static void main (String[] args) 
      throws IOException

     BufferedReader stdin = 

    String inData;    
    int    price;
    double tax ;

    System.out.println("Enter the price:");

    price  = Integer.parseInt( inData );     

    if ( ________________ )



    System.out.println("Item cost: " + 
        price + " Tax: " + tax + 
        " Total: " 
        + (price+tax) );    

Here are some program fragments
to use in filling the blanks:

tax = price * taxRate;

new BufferedReader 
  ( new InputStreamReader( 
    System.in ) );

inData = stdin.readLine();

double taxRate = 0.05;

price >= 100

import java.io.*;

tax = 0;


Complete the program by filling in the blanks.